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Mediation: Save Time and Money through Alternative Dispute Resolution

On Behalf of | Jul 10, 2012 | Divorce, General, Mediation |

If you are planning to divorce, it can become very costly if the case must be litigated in court. There are divorce cases in which litigation is the only alternative, as no effort to resolve the issues has worked, and in these cases, you must ensure you have the highest quality divorce lawyer presenting your case. If there is the possibility that alternative dispute resolution could work, it is in your best interests to engage in this process.

Working out the decisions about child custody, child support, responsibility for existing bills that were incurred during the marriage, as well as the division of assets and property can all be achieved through mediation. As each individual couple has unique circumstances and situations, it is difficult to imagine that any court could fully understand the dynamics of an individual marriage. Reaching an agreement between the two of you can be far more effective with regard to the final settlement. These divorce agreements are more likely to be adhered to, as both parties were involved in the process of making the necessary compromises and arrangements.

The goal of mediation is to assist couples to resolve the critical issues in divorce without the need of court intervention. Entering into mediation demands that both parties are willing to engage in the process and to make it work. The skill of the mediator is an important factor in how well the process works, and it serves you to find the best possible professional mediator to assist you.

At Kalled Law Offices, PLLC, we offer divorce mediation services that get results. We serve the areas of Dover, Salem and Portsmouth.